Twitter and time management. Two concepts that really do not belong in the same sentence. A bit like Tescos and lingerie. Or green
beans and pancakes. Or gin and… (struggling to think of something that
doesn’t go with gin actually).
Anyway, since starting this blog I have had to carve out the
time to write from somewhere. Not to mention finding the time to tweet. So I'm sure it’s
unsurprising to hear that while I’m feeding Little Bean her porridge with one
hand, I am also checking emails and Twitter with the other. This has resulted
in the odd strawberry up her nose but overall no major incidences.

Now, Little Bean is a fairly opinionated baby and she’d
clearly decided she’d put up with quite enough. Blowing a rather large
raspberry she leaned over and promptly shut down the laptop with a rather
forceful blow to the keyboard. Evidently she doesn’t much care about her mother’s
newfound fame in Russia.
Subtle as this hint was, I did come to the realisation that
perhaps dancing around the room singing Michael Jackson for her amusement will
have longer term benefits to our relationship than checking my Klout status. That’s
not to say I’m taking a step back from social media – not at all. I’m just going
to have to be more organised (and sneaky) about it. I’m bad, I’m bad, I know it.
Ditto! X